PILOT fee discussion on tonight’s UG committee agenda

A discussion about creating a new PILOT fee classifications is on tonight’s agenda for the Unified Government Economic Development and Finance Committee.

The meeting starts at 5 p.m. May 9. The public may watch the meeting at the Commission Chambers at City Hall. 701 N.7th St., or on Zoom at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88967479123?pwd=LzJuOVpCSHp2ZC9uRml6YlRldGVRQT09.

According to the agenda, an amendment to the UG charter ordinance is proposed to create a residential PILOT fee classification. Under such an amendment, UG commissioners could choose, for example, a lower PILOT fee rate for residents and a higher rate for businesses and industries.

The UG legal department has determined that the UG could not separate classes under the present laws, but it could if the charter ordinance were amended. A charter ordinance amendment would require a two-thirds UG Commission approval, and a 61-day waiting period in which a protest petition could be filed, according to the agenda.

Currently, the PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) fee is placed by the UG on all Board of Public Utilities’ customers’ bills. The PILOT fee is currently 11.9 percent.

According to agenda information, the proposed amendment would create two classifications for the PILOT fee, residential and commercial-industrial.

The PILOT fee makes up 20 percent of the total revenues of the city general fund for Kansas City, Kansas, according to agenda information. In 2020, the PILOT fee raised $32.7 million, a decrease of 42 percent from 2019, and in 2021 the PILOT raised $31.7 million, a decrease of 3.1 percent from 2020.

In 2014, the PILOT fee went up from 10.percent to 11.9 percent. The UG Commission votes to set the percentage of the PILOT fee during its budget approvals each year. When the BPU adopted an electric rate increase of 4 percent in March 2017 and 2018, the PILOT fee also increased as a result, according to the agenda.

Other items on the May 9 Economic Development and Finance Committee agenda include:

• Use of $400,000 in the UG Health Department’s reserve funds to respond to a tuberculosis outbreak in Wyandotte County.

• Amending ordinances for a Senior Utility Tax Rebate program.

• Approving an ordinance and resolution to allocate ARPA funds for capital, facilities and park improvements.

• A presentation of budget revisions for UG operating and capital budget policy related to the UG’s cyber security incident response.

After the end of the EDF meeting, the UG Neighborhood and Community Development Committee meeting will begin.

On the agenda for the NCD meeting:

• Adoption of proposed building and fire code ordinance updates.

• A resolution of support for all Neighborhood Business Revitalization organizations in Wyandotte County, including Edwardsville and Bonner Springs, with additional policies.

• Approval of a Mid-America Regional Council Planning Sustainable Places grant request for a complete green Rainbow Boulevard corridor between I-35 and Shawnee Mission Parkway, in partnership with Westwood, Westwood Hills and Fairway.

• Approval of a State Historic Preservation Office grant request through the Historic Preservation Fund for a City-Wide Historic Preservation Plan.

Also on the NCD agenda are several Land Bank option applications:
New construction, single-family homes:
3815 Strong Ave., 3813 H Strong Ave., 1302 S. 38th St., Chris Solutions LLC, two homes.
1536 S. 49th St., Chris Solutions LLC one home.
741 Shawnee Road, Chris Solutions LLC, one home.
4015 Coleman Court, Monique Smith, one home.
1047 Riverview Ave., Richard Dumas, one home.
1914 N. 6th St., 1920 N. 6th St., 1922 N. 6th St., 1926 N. 6th St., 1914 N. 6th St., Communities Cares LLC, four homes built on five lots.
1927 N. 6th St., 1929 N. 6th St., 1931 N. 6th St. , one home built on three lots.

New construction, multi-family
1305 Ann Ave., 1307 Ann Ave., 1309 H Ann Ave., 1311 Ann Ave., 1315 Ann Ave., 1319 Ann Ave., 1325 Ann Ave., Travis Wilson, 9- and 10-unit townhomes.
835 Parallel, 831 Parallel, 827 Parallel, 825 Parallel, 834 Troup, 830 Troup, Wall-Ties and Forms Inc., 15 units, townhomes.
843 Parallel, 851 Parallel, garden and orchard.
2110 N. 51st, Raj Bhatia, 24 units.

New construction, commercial:
1604 Minnesota Ave., Chris Solutions LLC, co-working office space.
3510 Strong Ave., Chris Solutions LLC, co-working office space.
706 Quindaro Blvd., Mohammad A. Chaudhry, parking lot.
6116 State Ave., Chantelle L. Sims, affordable small eat and boutique center.
5211 Parallel Parkway, The Dominique Experience Foundation, community center.

New construction, garage
4200 Leavenworth Road, Juan Antonio Vividor Rosa, currently owns 4100 Leavenworth Road.
2624 N. 21st St., garage, Edwina Gaskin, 2636 R N. 21st St., unbuildable lot.
701 Parallel, Aaron G. Chaney, currently owns 2010 N. 7th St.
950 Reynolds Ave., Jesus Valle, currently owns 945 Reynolds Ave.
1859 N. 28th St., Marisol Villa.

Land Bank property transfers:
Yard extension
2105 R. McDowell Lane, Robert Needham, currently owns 2105 McDowell Lane.
Property transfers
2517 N. 17th St., 2515 N.17th St., 2513 N. 17th St., OCP Neighborhood Association, park.
727 Central Ave., CABA, pocket park.
731 H. Tenny Ave., Rachel Bichara, vacation of right of way.

For more information about the meetings and how to view them, visit https://www.wycokck.org/Engage-With-Us/Calendar-of-Events/Standing-Committee-Meeting-EDF-and-NCD.

One thought on “PILOT fee discussion on tonight’s UG committee agenda”

  1. Appears Wyandotte Country UG is at a loss without the Pilot tax on BPU. BPU Already supplies free services to the Wyandotte Country UG free Power, free traffic and street lights. If EVERGY were serving Wyandotte Country/KCK there would still be a franchise tax but the Wyandotte Country/KCK UG would not be getting services for free. How much would that cost Taxpayers?
    One more thing Rock Island railroad entertainment district? I hope none of my tax dollars are going towards this. This is not a WYCO/KCK dream this is a KCMO Mayor Quinton Lucas dream that I see no Major monetary $$ value for the tax payers of Wyandotte Country
    While I’m at it how much taxpayer money $$$ had the WYCO/ UG/ KCK spent on the Jimmy Buffet destination Hotel that will be called Margarita Ville? I love Jimmy Buffet but if I were to stay at one of his Margarita Ville resorts it would have an ocean view and plenty of salt water?
    In closing If not for the BPU the UGWYCO/KCK would not be receiving all the free services that any other Utility would charge? Rock Island Bridge project who wouldn’t want to spend a nice summer evening at the KAW river? hot, mosquito infested and dirty muddy river water. I do approve of the levee upgrade and protection but not another entertainment district. Have you ever heard the saying I have a bridge to sell you? WYCO/KCK has an opportunity to better the county but not by chance Mayor. Commissioners do the job you were elected to do! That includes Crime in the country. I hate to say it but I drive to KCK for two reasons 1 for work 2 occasional trips to the Legends every thing else is out of country. One of the best things that had happened was I renewed my drivers license in Johnson Country I had appointment but I was in and out in 15 minutes. Mayor’s and Commissioners, City Council Members of Wyandotte Country trust has been placed in you so please do the right thing the first time
    This can still be a great country

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