Patients, parents plan to testify today before Senate Committee on medical marijuana bill

A hearing on the medical marijuana bill is planned at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 21, in the Kansas Senate Health and Public Welfare Committee.

The Senate bill, sponsored by State Sen. David Haley, D-4th Dist., would allow doctors to prescribe medical marijuana to patients in order to relieve pain. In other states it is being used for those who have epilepsy, cancer and other serious illnesses.

“We had a chance to visit with several lawmakers when we were here last week.” said Chris Bay, a member of Bleeding Kansas, a group in favor of medical marijuana, and a parent to 3-year-old Baby Autumn, who has sodium-channelopathy and suffers from prolonged febrile seizures.

“We had very positive feedback. We were told that there is a need for education among the lawmakers. That they need to learn about the cannabinoids found in the medication and the unique way these cannabinoids works with our body’s own endocannabinoid system. Then they can understand how and why this medication is a safer and non-toxic choice for patients. It doesn’t work on the brainstem like the rescue medicine Autumn currently uses to stop her seizures. Her current meds are powerful opiates that cause her heart to stop. Each seizure, we usually end up in PICU at Children’s Mercy. These meds are destroying her organs. We want the committee to give all our patients a chance for the hope and healing so many other patients are getting in states where doctors can recommend this medicine.”

When asked how parents plan on educating lawmakers, Bay replied, “We are planning to present them with the tip of the iceberg of research available. If we brought all the research, we would need a truck and a week-long hearing. ” Bay will have in hand a letter from Autumn’s doctor stating that she would like to have the legal option to recommend this medication for Autumn.