Veterans saluted at commemoration event

by Mary Rupert Coming home from the Persian Gulf War, William Cheyne Worley went through the worst of experiences, ending finally in homelessness. Now he uses his experiences to help other veterans. Overcoming challenges after returning to civilian life, Worley described his experiences to an audience Saturday, Nov. 8, at the annual Wyandotte County Veterans … Continue reading “Veterans saluted at commemoration event”

Analysis: Tuesday’s election hinged on swing Republican voters

Window on the West by Mary Rupert Low voter turnout in Wyandotte County played a role in the general election Tuesday, but not as big of a role that it would have made much difference in the election’s outcome for the major races, according to political observers. Tuesday’s big surprises to political observers were Gov. … Continue reading “Analysis: Tuesday’s election hinged on swing Republican voters”

Roberts, Brownback win re-election; voter turnout low in Wyandotte County

Tuesday night brought an end to the strong independent challenge to U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts, the incumbent Republican. The race was deemed significant by national observers as Republicans took control of the U.S. Senate. While the vote count started very close for the U.S. Senate race, incumbent Sen. Pat Roberts, a Republican, pulled away and … Continue reading “Roberts, Brownback win re-election; voter turnout low in Wyandotte County”