Davids: GOP’s gerrymander of 3rd District map a gambit to thwart will of voters

Lawsuit challenges shift of Wyandotte County voters to rural 1st District by Tim Carpenter, Kansas Reflector Topeka — The Republican-led Kansas Legislature voted to take a cleaver to the congressional district served by Democratic U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids and replace the top half of culturally diverse Wyandotte County with people more apt to favor a … Continue reading “Davids: GOP’s gerrymander of 3rd District map a gambit to thwart will of voters”

Rep. Davids participates in White House signing ceremony for Violence Against Women Act reauthorization

U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, D-3rd Dist., joined President Biden in the White House on Wednesday as he signed into law the bipartisan Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2022, sending crucial resources to victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence. This marks the first time the landmark law has been reauthorized in nearly a decade. … Continue reading “Rep. Davids participates in White House signing ceremony for Violence Against Women Act reauthorization”

Rep. Davids announces $15.7 million to build levees, advance cancer treatment in the 3rd District

U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids announced that more than $15.7 million is coming to projects in the 3rd District of Kansas, including a new cancer imaging machine for The University of Kansas Cancer Center, funding to protect Merriam homes and businesses from flooding with the Upper Turkey Creek project. Out of hundreds of bipartisan submissions, eight … Continue reading “Rep. Davids announces $15.7 million to build levees, advance cancer treatment in the 3rd District”