Aligning what Kansas candidates for governor say with the facts

Analysis by Celia Llopis-Jepsen, Stephan Bisaha and Jim McLean, Kansas News Service Truth, it’s said, is the first casualty of war. That helps explain why combat metaphors so often get applied to political campaigns. The battlefield of the Kansas governor’s race bears out the maxim. Even when candidates get their facts right — a surprisingly … Continue reading “Aligning what Kansas candidates for governor say with the facts”

Gun control a challenge and opportunity for Democratic candidates for Kansas governor

by Stephan Bisaha, Kansas News Service If there’s one common refrain from nearly all of the Kansas candidates for governor — Republicans and Democrats — it’s support for the Second Amendment. For Republicans, that’s mostly a battle of who can express that support in the loudest tone. Gov. Jeff Colyer listed defending the Second Amendment … Continue reading “Gun control a challenge and opportunity for Democratic candidates for Kansas governor”

GOP candidates for Kansas governor separated by style, if not politics

by Jim McLean, Kansas News Service Kansas Gov. Jeff Colyer and Secretary of State Kris Kobach — rivals for the Republican gubernatorial nomination — are both diehard conservatives. On the campaign trail, they squabble over who’s more conservative on core issues like immigration, abortion, guns and taxes. It’s clear, if elected, either would keep the … Continue reading “GOP candidates for Kansas governor separated by style, if not politics”