Yoder asks attorney general to keep families together at border

Today U.S. Rep. Kevin Yoder, R-3rd Dist., has asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions to suspend the practice of separating children at the border. Rep. Yoder, chairman of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee of Appropriations, sent a letter to the attorney general. “As the son of a social worker, I know the human trauma that comes … Continue reading “Yoder asks attorney general to keep families together at border”

Yoder says he’ll introduce bill to name Quindaro town site a National Historic Landmark

U.S. Rep. Kevin Yoder, R-3rd Dist., today said he would support an effort to designate the Quindaro Ruins town site in Kansas City, Kansas, as a National Historic Landmark. He made his remarks at the Quindaro Symposium being held Friday and Saturday at Memorial Hall in Kansas City, Kansas. Yoder said he would introduce a … Continue reading “Yoder says he’ll introduce bill to name Quindaro town site a National Historic Landmark”

Yoder issues statement on passage of tax cut bill

U.S. Rep. Kevin Yoder, D-3rd Dist., has issued a statement on the federal tax cut bill. The bill passed in its final version on Wednesday in the House of Representatives. Rep. Yoder issued this statement on Tuesday, after a preliminary vote on it: “Today, the House of Representatives passed generational reforms that will reduce the … Continue reading “Yoder issues statement on passage of tax cut bill”