Davids says she’ll reopen constituent services office in Wyandotte County

by Mary Rupert Sharice Davids, Democratic candidate for U.S. representative, 3rd District, today pledged to reopen a constituent services office in Wyandotte County if she is elected. Davids spoke at a “Souls to the Polls” rally at the New Bethel Church, 745 Walker Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. She was joined by former Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, … Continue reading “Davids says she’ll reopen constituent services office in Wyandotte County”

Kelly, Davids scheduled to speak to Wyandotte County Democrats Saturday

Laura Kelly, Democratic candidate for governor, will be a guest speaker on Saturday morning, Oct. 20, at the Wyandotte County Third Saturday Democratic Breakfast. Also speaking at the meeting will be Sharice Davids, the Democratic nominee for U.S. representative, 3rd District. The buffet breakfast will begin at 8:15 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 20, at Las Islas … Continue reading “Kelly, Davids scheduled to speak to Wyandotte County Democrats Saturday”