Outpouring of support from Kansas seen for two firefighters killed in Kansas City, Mo.

There has been an outpouring of support from Kansas for two Kansas City, Mo., firefighters, who were killed Monday night while fighting a fire.

Kansas City, Kan., Mayor Mark Holland, in a post on Facebook, stated, “We lift up in prayer the friends and families of the 2 firefighters from the Kansas City Fire Department who died yesterday while serving their city. May you find comfort in God’s love and the outpouring of support from Kansas Citians.”

Kansas City, Kan., Police Chief Terry Zeigler, in a post on Twitter, stated, “KCKPD Officers will keep KCFD firefighters & their families in our thoughts & prayers.”

The Kansas Highway Patrol, in a post on Twitter, stated, “True heroes. What an incredible high this afternoon for Kansas City, and now an incredible low.”

The two firefighters died during a second alarm response to a combined commercial and residential structure at Independence Avenue and Prospect in Kansas City, Mo., according to a statement from the Kansas City, Mo., government. The fire’s start was about 7:27 p.m.

At 8:07 p.m., the building collapsed and four firefighters were trapped, according to the statement. Two of the firefighters in the collapse were pronounced dead when they arrived at the hospital shortly afterward.

Today, the deceased firefighters were identified as Larry J. Leggio, a 17-year veteran, and John V. Mesh, a 13-year veteran.

A fund to support the families of fallen firefighters is available through IAFF Local 42, according to information from Kansas City, Mo. Tax-deductible donations will be given to the families of firefighters Leggio and Mesh. Donations can be made by check, payable to IAFF Local 42 and should be sent to 6320 Manchester Ave., Suite 42A; Kansas City, MO 64133.