Opinion: Thanks to Back-to-School Fair volunteers

by Cathi Hahner

Another successful Wyandotte County Back to School Fair was held Aug. 9 at two locations simultaneously; the Kansas City Kansas Community College and the Boys and Girls Club Wyandotte County Unit.

Many thanks to the staff and volunteers at each location who worked to ensure a wonderful event.

The University of Kansas Medical Center recruited physicians, nurses and students to see that sports physicals were offered to families. The medical center along with the Unified Government Public Health Department provided the opportunity to get immunizations for children, a necessity for starting school.

Library books and approximately 5,000 backpacks with basic school supplies were distributed.

This event was made possible through the dedication and hard work of volunteers. Thanks to the volunteers on the planning committee who worked many months and countless hours in planning.

The planning committee has representatives from the community, USD 500, United Health Care, K State Extension, DCF, Health Department, KUMC, the United Way of Wyandotte County, Kansas Gas, Kansas City, Kan., Public Libraries, Widows Sons Lodge No. 17, the Women’s Chamber, BPU, KCKCC and MOCSA.

Thank you to the many volunteers young and old who responded to the plea to fill the backpacks.

Volunteers helped collect school supplies at the local Walmart, giving up part of their weekend to help. Kids and grandkids worked side by side with parents and grandparents. Corporate volunteers, RSVP members, church groups, families and individuals all worked together over three days to make the event happen.

The day of the event, volunteers helped register each family, distribute backpacks and library books, made sure those waiting had water to drink and served lunch to all visitors. Of course, volunteers helped set-up for the event, keep the venue trash free and helped take down after the event.

More than 550 volunteer hours were contributed on Saturday alone and another 280 contributed the week of the event. With the value of one volunteer hour equaling $22.14 that means the financial effect of the volunteers helping with the BTSF was more than $18,300.00.

Thank you, to all those who helped with the Wyandotte County Back To School Fair. Without your hard work and support this event would not be possible.

Planning for 2015 Back to School Fair has already started. Please consider serving on the planning committee, making a donation or volunteering the week of the event.

For more information on how you can give, advocate and volunteer, contact me at 913-371-3674 or [email protected]. You can find volunteer opportunities by checking out the website, www.unitedway-wyco.org and click on Volunteer.

Cathi Hahner is the director of volunteer services at the United Way of Wyandotte County.