Opinion: Royals ‘snow day’ was a great idea for schools

Window on the West
opinion column
by Mary Rupert

Canceling school, and canceling some work, in order to celebrate the World Series victory with the Royals was a good decision.

We’ve heard some criticism that school shouldn’t have let out because the students really need to keep in classes and learn more.

However, we think it was a wise move on the part of the school district administrators to let the kids and their parents go to the Kansas City Royals victory celebration.

It’s a real morale booster that could result in success down the road for them.

There are studies that have shown that when people identify with a winning sports team, they work harder, their mood improves, and their productivity goes up. They also spend more money.

So if student and employee performance goes up all around the Kansas City metropolitan area, don’t be surprised, and give credit to the Kansas City Royals winning the World Series.

To reach Mary Rupert, editor, email [email protected].