Opinion column: What are we really thankful for?

Window on the West
Opinion column

by Mary Rupert

I have written lists of things I am thankful for over the past month or so, but they mostly are what you would expect – I am thankful for a nice family, enough food to eat, a nice place to live and the many blessings I have received.

Those are the most important things, and I am truly thankful for them.

My list included:

1. I am thankful today that I woke up feeling well.

2. I am thankful today for those who care about me. Thank you!

3. I am thankful for the many opportunities I have had in my life.

4. I am thankful for the many talents I have received.

5. I am thankful for a genuinely nice family.

6. I am thankful for the continuing opportunity to work in my field.

7. I am thankful today for the various messages that are being sent to me via email and mail. Someone took the time to include me. It’s good to be included.

Then I got to thinking – what am I really thankful for that separates me from everyone else? What are those specific things I am really glad about?

So here’s my new list:

1. I am very thankful there is no one watching me work over my shoulder. Generally, I think that creates nervous employees.

2. I am thankful that I no longer have to drive in rush-hour traffic, usually.

3. I am thankful that while there is some amount of routine, there also is a lot of variation in the work I do each day.

4. I am thankful that I live on a side street without much traffic.

5. I am thankful that I live in the Midwest, in Kansas City, Kan., in a place where I have strong roots and there are kind, compassionate people. I am grateful that the kind people far outnumber the mean people.

6. I am thankful for the freedoms that allow me to express my opinions, and that you do, too.

7. I am thankful that when I was very young, in grade school, my teachers insisted on students doing their own work.

8. I am thankful for all of my teachers through the years, from grade school to grad school. Each one helped me along my path.

9. I am thankful that there are a couple of remote controls for the television sets here, so there is no squabbling over what to watch on TV.

10. I am most thankful, specifically, that my son has recovered from an illness that hospitalized him last month.

11. And I am thankful for each reader of this website. Thanks for spending a few minutes now and then, and thanks for expressing your opinions occasionally.

What are you thankful for? Feel free to add your list in the comments section.

To reach Mary Rupert, editor, email [email protected].