Opinion column: Predictions indicate more conservative legislature


Opinion column

by Murrel Bland

What will the makeup of the Kansas Legislature look like when it opens for its next session in early January next year?

That question was on the mind of members of the Legislative Committee as it met, via Zoom, Friday morning, Oct. 9. The Kansas City, Kansas, Area Chamber of Commerce sponsors the committee.

Those who study the Legislature see a swing to a more conservative side after the recent primary elections as certain key moderate Republicans were defeated or chose not to run. However, there is a chance, as slim as it might be, that if enough Democrat challengers are elected, the overall temper of the Legislature could be somewhat moderate.

The chamber’s Legislative Committee is working on its annual Legislative Agenda which will determine the organization’s position on key issues. One issue that is to come up is the expansion of Medicaid. Hospitals and medical professionals across the state have supported this issue; supporters point out that expansion could provide services to more than 120,000 uninsured persons.

Conservative legislators and the Kansas Chamber of Commerce opposing expanded Medicaid said it could end up costing the state an excessive amount of money on the long run.

Committee members learned that the state of Kansas is slightly ahead of estimates in tax revenue received, based on September receipts.

The chamber here is hoping to sponsor a candidates’ forum for the Third District Congressional race. U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, a Democrat, is scheduled to appear at noon Friday, Oct. 16, at the normal time for the Congressional Forum. The Republican opponent, Amanda Adkins, is scheduled to appear at 11 a.m. Thursday, Oct. 15. Both forums will be via Zoom.

Murrel Bland is the former editor of The Wyandotte West and The Piper Press. He is the executive director of Business West.