Operation Facelift

Douglass-Sumner Neighborhood Association held its annual Operation Facelift neighborhood clean-up day on April 27. About 40 student volunteers from Sumner Academy helped pick up trash in alleyways, streets and residential yards. Douglass-Sumner Neighborhood received funding from Livable Neighborhoods and Greater Kansas City LISC for the event. The residents helped by preparing the food for the event to feed the volunteers. Attending the event were a Kansas City, Kan., police officer; Beatrice Lee, a neighborhood leader; and Angela Eley, a former LISC staff member.

Douglass-Sumner Neighborhood Association held its annual Operation Facelift neighborhood clean-up day on April 27. About 40 student volunteers from Sumner Academy helped pick up trash in alleyways, streets and residential yards. Douglass-Sumner Neighborhood received funding from Livable Neighborhoods and Greater Kansas City LISC for the event. The residents helped by preparing the food for the event to feed the volunteers. Sumner Academy student volunteers gathered for this photo.