Opening day at lake changed to March 16

Because of ice on Wyandotte County Lake, opening day for fishing at the lake has been postponed until Saturday, March 16, weather permitting, according to the Unified Government.

Opening day was originally scheduled for March 2.

Along with the lake opening, a benefit breakfast at the lake also has been rescheduled for March 16, said Lou Braswell, executive director of the Leavenworth Road Association.

The biscuits and sausage gravy breakfast will be from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. March 16 at the marina at Wyandotte County Lake, she said. The location of the breakfast was changed from the Davis Hall because the Davis Hall has already been booked by others for March 16.

The cost of the breakfast will be $10 for adults and a smaller portion at half-price for children 12 and younger. Breakfast includes two biscuits, sausage gravy, two sausage patties, coffee, milk or orange juice.

The breakfast is a fundraiser for the Leavenworth Road Association. Funds that are raised are put back into the community for programs, such as helping senior citizens with lawn care, she said.

She also said she hopes the weather gives them a break before too long.