Officers graduate from training

Five local officers recently graduated from training at the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center, near Yoder, Kan.

Lt. Col. Alan Stoecklein of the Kansas Highway Patrol congratulated 53 new law enforcement officers during their graduation from the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center on Feb. 28.

The new officers were members of the 227th basic training class at the center. Located one mile west and one mile south of Yoder, near Hutchinson, the center is a division of University of Kansas Continuing Education.

The graduates, who began their training Nov. 4, 2013, represented 37 municipal, county and state law enforcement agencies from across Kansas.

Five graduates from Kansas City, Kan., include:

Kenneth Blount, a patrol officer with the Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools Police Department;

LaTrina Johnson, a patrol officer with the Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools Police Department;

Mark Ming, a patrol officer with the Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools Police Department;

James Minich, a deputy with the Wyandotte County Sheriff’s Department; and

James Shepherd, a deputy with the Wyandotte County Sheriff’s Department.

Graduates receive certificates of course completion from KLETC and Kansas law enforcement certification from the Kansas Commission on Peace Officers’ Standards and Training, the state’s law enforcement licensing authority.

The training course fulfills the state requirement for law enforcement training. Classroom lectures and hands-on applications help train officers to solve the increasingly complex problems they face in the line of duty.