No change seen in outcomes to updated election results

An update to the Wyandotte County election results on Wednesday does not show any changes in outcomes of the contests from Tuesday night.

The update can be found on the Kansas secretary of state’s website at

The same persons who were in the lead of the 10 p.m. Tuesday totals also were in the lead of this updated version.

For example, there were a little over 550 additional votes in the contest for President in the updated Wyandotte County totals on the secretary of state’s website, showing 35,566 for Joe Biden, 18,512 for Donald Trump and 1,029 for Jo Jorgensen.

According to the Wyandotte County election commissioner’s statement on Tuesday, there will be updates on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday as mail ballots are received at the Election Office. The mail ballots had to be postmarked by 7 p.m. Tuesday and have to be received in the mail by Friday to count.

The local election results will not be official until the Wyandotte County Board of Canvassers meets Nov. 16. That board also will consider whether to count provisional ballot here.