New transit service to be considered at UG meeting Thursday

A new enhanced paratransit service will be considered at the Thursday, Sept. 14, Unified Government Commission meeting.

The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. Sept. 14 in the Commission Chambers, lobby level, City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

A service is proposed to provide a lower cost mobility option for able-bodied persons, ages 16-64, who are not eligible for existing services, do not have private transportation or reasonable access to fixed route public transportation, according to the UG agenda.

The cost of the service would be determined by the length of the trip, and it would be less expensive than the traditional services.

The new pilot service would use already established services and routes, according to agenda information.

In other action, the commission is set to consider a resolution authorizing a survey and acquisition of land for the Board of Public Utilities water distribution South Bethany-Muncie site improvement. The resolution would allow the UG to use eminent domain if needed.

Also proposed is an ordinance amending the bicycle lamp traffic ordinance, to reflect changes in the state laws.

In addition, ordinances concerning domestic battery, narcotics and other drugs, possession of simulated controlled substances, paraphernalia, and violation of protective orders are proposed to be amended to come into line with changes in state laws.

In other action, the nomination of Ty Collins Jr. to the UG Park Board will be considered. Collins was nominated by Commissioner Angela Markley.