New Bethel Church plans drive-by prayer service on Good Friday

The New Bethel Church, 745 Walker Ave., Kansas City, Kansas, plans a “drive-by prayer” from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Good Friday, April 10.

According to the church, Senior Pastor A. Glenn Brady felt led to hold something for the members and community to encourage and uplift families at this time.

All social distancing orders will be in effect to continue to prevent and limit the spread of COVID-19, according to the church.

The pastors of the New Bethel Church will wear masks and stay at least 6 feet away. Instead of hugging and giving handshakes, they will encourage drivers to honk their horns, flash their lights and praise God in their vehicles, a church official stated.

According to the church, Pastor Brady does not take the situation lightly, and he and the NBC leadership team are in constant communication and prayer to ensure wise decisions are being implemented for the health and well-being of the members and the community.

For more information, visit The church is on Facebook and Instagram @NewBethelKC.