New attorneys to be sworn in Sept. 30

One Wyandotte County resident is on the list of attorneys who will be sworn in on Friday, Sept. 30, in Topeka.

Alex Scott Gilmore, Kansas City, Kan., is listed among the attorneys who successfully applied to the Kansas bar examination in July.

The swearing-in ceremony will be at 10 a.m. Friday at the Topeka Performing Arts Center, Topeka, Kan.

Chief Lawton Nuss will preside over the Kansas Supreme Court and Judge Daniel Crabtree will represent the U.S. District Court at the ceremony.

Doug Shima, clerk of the Kansas Supreme Court, will administer the state oath and Timothy O’Brien, clerk for the U.S. District Court, will administer the federal oath.

Kevin F. Mitchelson and Donald N. Peterson II, the chair and vice chair of the Kansas Board of Law Examiners, will present the new attorneys to the court.