National team tours northeast KCK area

A national team of visitors was in Kansas City, Kansas, today, touring 14 spots in the northeast area.

According to Elnora Jefferson of the Historic Midtown Northeast Association, the group from the National Park Service and Environmental Protection Agency is on a tour as part of a site visit for a grant that is under consideration.

Local officials went on the tour with the visitors, according to Jefferson.

The $200,000 grant over three years would found a Ground Works USA trust in the northeast area of Kansas City, Kansas, if approved, she said. The purpose of the program is to reclaim brownfields and land, turning it back to productive use, she added.

While the grant isn’t approved yet, Jefferson said she believes it is an honor just to be considered for it.

A local steering committee is working on the project, she said. The Parkwood Colony neighborhood association and the Unified Government Parks and Recreation Department also are working on this project.

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