More than 600 items distributed at Keep Wyandotte Warm event

The Wyandotte Angels distributed items at its third annual Keep Wyandotte Warm drive-through event Saturday at the PAL, 800 N. 5th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

More than 600 items, including blankets, were distributed on Saturday.

The Wyandotte Angels also provided Thanksgiving meals to 50 area families.

Distribution of the meals took place at Harmon High School, with extra help from Kansas City, Kansas, school police officers.

The Kansas City, Kansas, Rotary Club provided a $20 gift card for each family to get the extras.

The Wyandotte Angels were started by Martin Cervantes and Jalynda Cervantes, who were volunteering at area food distribution sites.

The group has grown to nearly 2,000 people who are assisting people in need in Wyandotte County with food, snacks, clothing and other items.