More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade

Mayor David Alvey walked the parade route for the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
More scenes from the Central Avenue Dotteversity parade on Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Bands gathered after the parade at Bethany Park for a performance. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Bands gathered after the parade at Bethany Park for a performance. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Bands gathered after the parade at Bethany Park for a performance. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Bands gathered after the parade at Bethany Park for a performance. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Bands gathered after the parade at Bethany Park for a performance. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Bands gathered after the parade at Bethany Park for a performance. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
Bands gathered after the parade at Bethany Park for a performance. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
The Dotteversity Festival was held after the parade at Bethany Park. (Photo by Steve Rupert)
The Dotteversity Festival was held after the parade at Bethany Park. (Photo by Steve Rupert)