Moran attends Senate committee hearing in Iowa on flooding

U.S. Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kansas, seated at left, on Wednesday attended a Senate committee hearing in Iowa on the topic of flooding. (Submitted photo)

U.S. Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kansas, participated in a Senate field committee hearing held in Glenwood, Iowa, on flooding.

The hearing focused on the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ river management following devastating flooding throughout the region and in northeast Kansas.

“In the wake of devastating flooding, it is clear that a comprehensive flood risk management plan is needed for the Missouri River,” Sen. Moran said. “Today’s hearing allowed us the opportunity to hear directly from those impacted by the flooding, as well as from leaders within the Army Corps of Engineers. Instead of continuing a piecemeal, isolated repair approach, we need a long-term plan for the basin that guides risk mitigation and disaster recovery activities. I also strongly support a congressionally authorized study to lay out a long-term plan to make certain that change happens.”

“I was also pleased to have a fellow Kansas participate in this hearing, Joel Euler from Doniphan County,” Sen. Moran said. “Mr. Euler has extensive experience with flood repair activities and as the representative for multiple drainage districts along the Missouri River, Mr. Euler has worked closely with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. His insight and knowledge were valued in the hearing.”