Mike Kane, candidate questionnaire

Mike Kane

Name and office sought: Mike Kane, commissioner, 5th District

Age: 64

Occupation and experience:

Public affairs director for Laborers’ Local 1290 the last 10 years.
Retired auto worker for 35 years holding several union positions including alt/committeeperson, committeeperson, alt/health and safety rep. Started the ergonomics program at GM. Health and safety rep.
I worked in safety for 21 years. Leading the program prior to my retirement.
Commissioner since spring of 2005
Senior commissioner

I am on the Human Rights Commission for the state of Kansas and have been for over 6 years.

Organization or groups that I belong to:

Laborers’ local 1290, Greater Kansas City Building Trades. current president of Eastern Ks AFL/CIO Eastern Ks president for the past 7 years.

Reason for running:

To make a difference in the “community.”
To improve “quality” of life in KCK.
To be responsive to the “constituent” needs and wants.
To make this a better place to live, work and play.

What are the three most important issues facing this position? And how would you handle them.

“Taxes” – Continue to lower taxes. Try and get more grant funding to help offset some of our expenses. Work closer with the federal government to see what is available to help our needs.

“Jobs” – We continue to look outside our “community” to fill out local UG jobs. Restart a program on going to the high schools, middle schools. Let our youth know when they get done with high schools we have jobs available, good paying jobs at that.

“Infrastructure” – Our roads and bridges are in much need of repair. Come up with a long-range plan to improve them both.

Top accomplishments:

Helped pick Hollywood Casino. They are very community minded, providing several jobs.
78th and State Avenue, a new shopping mall and eliminated some of the blight.
Worked so closely with the Piper School District they named a Community Center after my mom, The “Patricia Diane Kane Community Center.”

Have I ever run for office before?

In 2005 I ran for commissioner in the 5th District and have won re-election 4 times since.

2 thoughts on “Mike Kane, candidate questionnaire”

  1. Mike Kane has done more for this county than any one else has been able to accomplish in spite of the pushback he has received from the last two mayors. Keep up the good work Commissioner Kane.

  2. Mike Kane, is one of the most informed Commissioners in the county. He always votes for improvements that are good for the people, not just what the other commissioners want. Please vote.

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