Memorial Day events in Wyandotte County

Here are some Memorial Day activities we have heard about in Wyandotte County:

Bonner Springs to hold annual Memorial Day service

The Bonner Springs annual Memorial Day service will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, May 30, at the Soldiers’ Circle in the Bonner Springs Cemetery, Metropolitan and Sheidley.

The master of ceremonies of the event will be Bonner Springs Mayor Jeff Harrington. VFW Post 6401 will present the colors and a flag ceremony. They also will perform a 21-gun salute.

Elaine Berg and Brian Berg will play taps. Malisa Wallace will sing the national anthem and “God Bless America.” Councilmember George Cooper will read two poems.

8,000 flags at KCK’s City Park to honor fallen veterans

About 8,000 flags have been placed at City Park, 26th and Park Drive, in Kansas City, Kan., to honor fallen veterans in the war on terror. It is an effort by the American Fallen Warrior Memorial Foundation with donations from Home Depot.

A ceremony is planned at 10 a.m. Monday, May 30, at the location in City Park. Part of City Park is planned to be the future home of a national war memorial by the AFWMF.

For more information, see

Memorial Day Mass planned at cemetery

A Memorial Day Mass will be held at 9 a.m. Monday, May 30, at Mt. Calvary Cemetery, 38th and State Avenue, Kansas City, Kan. The Rev. Jeremiah Spencer will celebrate the Mass. Ed Grisnik will play liturgical music.

Liberty Memorial events

Other areas throughout Greater Kansas City also are sponsoring Memorial Day activities.

One of the largest is the Liberty Memorial, a museum dedicated to veterans of World War I. The National World War I Museum and Memorial is at 100 W. 26th St., Kansas City, Mo. There is free admission for veterans and active duty military and half-price admission for the public (Friday-Monday, May 27-30)

U.S. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver II, Kansas City Mayor Sly James, Jackson County Executive Frank White expected for public Memorial Day Ceremony in the Memorial Courtyard featuring keynote address from former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Kansas City native General (Ret.) Richard Myers (Monday, May 30; 10 a.m.)

For more information, see