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Medical clinic, church team up to provide fresh food for residents
Mercy and Truth Medical Missions joined with Church of the Resurrection’s Mobile Food Pantry to serve 34 families or 165 individuals on Tuesday. They distributed approximately 1,386 pounds of food. They will be returning to offer free food again from 9 a.m. to noon Oct. 19 at Mercy and Truth Clinic, 721 N. 31st St., Kansas City, Kansas. The vehicle was in the parking lot at the clinic. (Photo from Anne Rauth, Mercy and Truth Clinic) Volunteers inside the mobile food pantry were ready to assist residents. Shoppers waited outside the mobile food pantry until it was their time to shop. (Photo from Anne Rauth)Inside the food truck were many fresh produce options, along with milk, eggs and butter. Families could shop and pick their own items at no cost. “We are really thankful for this partnership with Church of the Resurrection and are excited that they will be coming once a month to help our patients and neighbors,” said Anne Rauth with Mercy and Truth. (Photo from Anne Rauth)