Mayor, law enforcement express sympathy for Minneapolis victim

Mayor David Alvey and law enforcement leaders in Kansas City, Kansas, and Wyandotte County held a news conference Friday morning to express their thoughts about the Minneapolis police shooting.

“What we wanted to do was to express to our community that we are disturbed and saddened by what happened to Mr. (George) Floyd, and we express our condolences and offer our prayers to his family and his community,” Mayor Alvey said on Friday.

“And we also wanted to assure our community that our law enforcement personnel are committed to providing care to anyone that they encounter, no matter what their situation is, and they are sworn to assist and provide aid to anyone in distress,” Mayor Alvey said.

“We need to continue the conversation about how to make sure it does not happen in our community,” he said.

Chief Michael York stated that he, the police department and Sheriff’s office “are saddened and troubled at what transpired in Minneapolis” as it was “clearly a violation of policy” and that the KCKPD “does not condone these types of police actions.”

He further pledged support and understanding for the people of Kansas City, Kansas, and Wyandotte County and “their need to be heard.”

Reports were that a gathering was planned this afternoon at 27th and Quindaro in Kansas City, Kansas.

Mayor Alvey said he supports and protects people’s right to peaceable assembly.

Mayor Alvey said he has had a weekly call with pastors in Wyandotte County to keep them up to date on the COVID-19 pandemic, and he will be having a conversation with them on Monday morning with the police chief and sheriff.

A link to the remarks at the news conference by Mayor Alvey and the police chief is at