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Master Gardeners plant sale continues today
Janet Winkler, Master Gardener, helped Siraj Konkader of Piper today at the Wyandotte County Extension Master Gardeners plant sale. The plant sale continues until 2 p.m. Saturday at the K-State Research and Extension office, 1200 N. 79th St., Kansas City, Kansas. Vegetable plants, flowers and ornamental grasses are in the plant sale. (Staff photo by Mary Rupert)Courtney Cohen, left, and Rita Cohen shopped for flowers today at the Master Gardeners plant sale. The plant sale continues until 2 p.m. Saturday at the K-State Research and Extension office, 1200 N. 79th St., Kansas City, Kansas. Vegetable plants, flowers and ornamental grasses are in the plant sale. (Staff photo) Staffing the Master Gardeners table today at the annual plant sale were, left to right, Don Crim, Sharon Hoover, Calvin Hoover and David Young. In the back was Les Lemmon. All are master gardeners. The plant sale continues until 2 p.m. Saturday at the K-State Research and Extension office, 1200 N. 79th St., Kansas City, Kansas. Vegetable plants, flowers and ornamental grasses are in the plant sale. (Staff photo)