Master Gardeners plan presentation on container gardening Thursday

The Wyandotte County Extension Master Gardeners are planning a presentation about container gardens from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 5, at the Wyandotte County Extension Office, 1208 N. 79th St., Kansas City, Kan.

Do you yearn to grow yummy, nutritious food for your family, but have no yard? Or maybe you just want your herbs and salad makings closer to the kitchen. A container garden, placed in full sun, can fulfill the mutual needs of plants and gardeners. Fortunately, plant breeders have heeded the call for porch and deck garden solutions by developing vegetables, flowers and even shrubs and trees that flourish in a small space.

This presentation by Lenora Larson and sponsored by the Wyandotte County Extension Master Gardeners reviews the basics of container gardening, then applies those principles to vegetable growing. PowerPoint photographs will illustrate the science-based techniques and a handout will provide further information and resources.

A Marais des Cygnes Extension Master Gardener, Lenora Larson grows most of her food on her 27-acre property, Long Lips Farm, in rural Paola. She is a proud “science geek” with a degree in microbiology from Michigan State University, a career in molecular biology and a life-long interest in gardening and cooking.

Registration is not required. There is no admission fee for active Master Gardeners, $5 per person payable at the door, for all others attending. Admission fees help support the local Master Gardener program.

The presentation will be conducted in the Sunflower Room, Wyandotte County Extension Office, 1208 N. 79th St., Kansas City Kan., (west across 79th Street from the State Avenue Kmart). For more information, call 913-299-9300.

Those attending are welcome to bring their lunch to this event.