Loyalty Day Celebration to be held April 28 at Rosedale Arch

The Rosedale Arch at 35th and Booth in Kansas City, Kansas, will be the site of a Loyalty Day Celebration at 10 a.m. Saturday, April 28.

The host of the Loyalty Day Celebration will be the city of Louisburg’s VFW Post 7348 and the Kansas City, Kansas, VFW Post 111.

The event will include patriotic music, a color guard, guest speakers, Patriot Pen winner, TAPS and a wreath-laying ceremony at the Rosedale Arch. The event is open to the public.

According to the VFW, Loyalty Day was officially recognized by Congress on April 27, 1955, and made an official recurring holiday on July 18, 1958. Its purpose is to reaffirm loyalty to the United States and to recognize the heritage of American freedom.

Loyalty Day has been recognized with an official presidential proclamation every year since 1955.

For more information on the event and inclement weather location, visit ksloyaltyday.us.