Long-time board member elected BPU president

Robert L. Milan Sr.

The Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Public Utilities elected new officers at the Jan. 20 virtual meeting.

Robert L. Milan Sr. was elected president; Mary L. Gonzales was elected vice president; and Rose Mulvany Henry was elected secretary.

Milan, who represents the First District, has served nearly 30 years on the board. Elected in 1991, he is retired from serving as a federal representative at the U.S. Department of Labor.

The BPU recognized his service by naming a pump station and reservoir in his honor in 2007.

Mary L. Gonzales

Gonzales, member at large, position 1, is a retired teacher who was first elected to the board in 2001. She is a member of the American Public Power Association and the American Water Works Association.

Her 33 years as a teacher included many years at Piper Middle School, where she taught language arts.

Rose Mulvany Henry

Mulvany Henry, member at large, position 3, has served on the board since 2019.

An attorney with a background in business and technology, she founded Rose Henry Law in 2018. She previously worked with the Kansas Corporation Commission regulating the telephone industry. She is a past vice president of regulatory affairs for Birch Telecom and a past in-house counsel for Sprint Corp.

Contact the Wyandotte Daily at [email protected].

One thought on “Long-time board member elected BPU president”

  1. Why are we still being billed for PILOT on our BPU bills? I thought that had been under discussion sometime back to be removed from our billing statement.

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