Letter to the editor: Woodlands

Dear editor,

Ethics complaint filed against Hal Walker and all who participated in these double standard shenanigans. Including the Mayor who needs to learn Roberts’ Rules of Order. This was an absolute charade in a bully pulpit. [“Woodlands permit unanimously approved” https://wyandotteonline.com/woodlands-permit-unanimously-approved/]
To: The Ethics Commission of UG and Ruth Benien: Double standards are noticeable even to the outsiders, many who used to deny the monopolies held by Wyandotte County political machines are now speaking out and stating basic fact. That when and if the people of Wyandotte County want something done there are “unusual” measures that must be overcome to get fair treatment and the lack of representation on the municipal level is obvious – They don’t even try to hide it. Double standards and smoke and mirrors, retaliation. The struggle is real! This was shameful!

I am filing this complaint as an ethical conundrum based upon the quote regarding a request and attempted obligation set upon a potential member of this community. “For a while on Thursday, the fate of the Woodlands seemed a little unclear. UG Commissioners grilled Beeler on a number of points, handling the real estate attorney in a way … that’s unusual for development-starved local governments in this metro area… Commissioner Hal Walker wanted to know if Beeler would commit to not appealing his property taxes like most of the big commercial property owners in western Wyandotte County do every year (Beeler declined that commitment).” [Quote from The Pitch]

So they want him to waive his rights to fair representation, due process and recourse, fair treatment and his rights to demand fair and appropriate taxation by ordinance in a county that is well known for adjustment, changing assessments, PILOTs and levies on its citizens while giving the bank to the outsiders.

The fact that this was even asked out loud is appalling and should be investigated. Many people in Wyandotte County pay their taxes in protest. It is our rights as Americans and apparent duty in Wyandotte County. That is unconstitutional…Tax manipulation and unfair taxation without representation, Misuse of power and God only knows what else. Is this extortion? These are the strong arm and bully antics of Wyandotte County machine politics and have no place in progressive leadership to better our community for everyone in a fair manner. How obviously biased could this be? Promise you won’t complain when we treat you unfairly like we have all the other businesses who complained? or we will not let you play. That was the question in the atmosphere of bully politics If it is not illegal it is certainly unethical. We should show the world that we are better than they think we are, not lower than what they ever thought. However, even our Ethics Commission seems to be bought off and none of the letters/complaints seem to accomplish anything except more of the same. Nonetheless…here it is.

This is exactly why the citizens of Wyandotte County live in fear of reprisal. This is what the leadership does to us, why should we expect any different? Yet I do! Complaint now filed.

Janice Witt, Fed up Citizen

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