Letter to the editor

Representative supports efforts to address poverty, more funding for park security, deadbolt locks and gate locks at parks

Open letter to UG Commission, Mayor Alvey, Commissioner Burroughs, and Commissioner Markley:

Thank you in advance for your attention. I am proud to have supported all three of you at one point. I hope that G-d may continue to place his hand upon your head and guide you as you govern Wyandotte Country for the betterment of its people, and not simply its ruling class.

Hard times have fallen upon Turner and Argentine. Vandals dump trash in the street. Arsonists explode munitions in the public works while honest men and women hungry for work are struggling in their search for good paying jobs with benefits. The median income hovers around $20,000, and a large section of our community lives at or below the poverty line.

The southern half of Wyandotte County has fallen from the middle class lifestyle it enjoyed as recently as 40 years ago. The days of good infrastructure and high quality schools are gone.

The root cause of crime, drug addiction and violence is poverty. It is time to declare war on poverty.

I also call upon you to take immediate action to protect public works. I hope you will strongly consider protecting the taxpayers’ investment by appropriating funds to allow the Sheriff’s Department to increase patrols in Leo Alvey Park and Pierson Park between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m.

I hope you will follow Turner Baptist Church Pastor Steve Neal’s advice when he urges, “Rather than chains and padlocks [on the bathrooms], good solid deadbolt locks. Also, If I’m not mistaken, our parks have gates. They should be used. Parks closed at dusk and gates locked.”

Thank you for your time and for your public service to the community.

State Rep. Aaron Coleman
Kansas House of Representatives, District 37