Leavenworth Road parade results

The Wyandotte High School marching band won an award for best marching band Saturday at the Leavenworth Road parade. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)

Results have been announced for winners in the Leavenworth Road Parade on Saturday.

A panel judged the entries in the parade.

The winning entries included:

  • Music-Dance: Humble Beats.
  • Riding and any mode of transportation: Jeff Pross, 1970 Monte Carlo.
  • Precision-marching bands: Wyandotte High School Marching Bulldogs Band.

Trophies will be given at the Leavenworth Road Association meeting on Oct. 8 at Eisenhower Recreation Center, 2901 N. 72nd St., Kansas City, Kansas. A covered dish dinner begins at 6 p.m., followed by the meeting at 7 p.m.

See photos from the parade at https://wyandotteonline.com/scenes-from-leavenworth-road-parade/.

The Humbled Beats Studio of Dance won an award for best dance group performing Saturday at the Leavenworth Road parade. (Photo copyright 2019 by Brian Turrel)
