Leavenworth Road Association honors Watson

At a recent meeting of the Leavenworth Road Association, Nathaniel Watson was honored. Left to right were John Cantwell, Dixie Kaster, Rhonda Smith, Carl Kaster, Nathaniel Watson, Deneise Davis, Lou Braswell, Bill Murray, Rose Marie Allman, and Sue Reaves of the LRA board. (Photo by John Cameron)
At a recent meeting of the Leavenworth Road Association, Nathaniel Watson was honored. Left to right were John Cantwell, Dixie Kaster, Rhonda Smith, Carl Kaster, Nathaniel Watson, Deneise Davis, Lou Braswell, Bill Murray, Rose Marie Allman, and Sue Reaves of the LRA board. (Photo by John Cameron)

by Lou Braswell
Nathaniel Watson has been a board member of Leavenworth Road Association since April 1989.

He has served in several capacities, including most recently vice president. He has always been one of our “go-to” persons, volunteering for all our events, and other projects we were involved in.

In 2015 he stated he would like to step down from the board to bring in fresh, younger citizens. We did tell him, “Not so fast there, buddy,” but he said he felt it was time, adding he was not leaving LRA, just stepping down from the board.

At our May 12 meeting we presented him with a token of our appreciation and love for all he has given of himself through all these years. Not a farewell, only a big thank-you to Nathaniel Watson.

Lou Braswell is the executive director of the Leavenworth Road Association.

Nathaniel Watson (Photo by Terri Murray)
Nathaniel Watson (Photo by Terri Murray)