Kosher Fest planned June 1

On June 1, there is going to be Kosher Fest, which will be held in the parking lot of congregation Ohev Sholom located at 75th and Nall in Overland Park, Kan. The hours are from noon to 5 p.m.
KosherFest is the fifth biannual event, a Kansas City tradition join thousands of friends and neighbors from the entire metropolitan area. At this event they will have not only kosher food they will also have electric cars on display plus there will be a lot of information regarding the various community gardens throughout the Greater Kansas City area plus there will be a lot for whole family. This event only happens every two years and it is truly an experience. In fact Congregation Ohev  Sholom started off in Kansas City, Kan., and in the early 1960s moved to Overland Park, Kan.  There are a lot of members who live in Kansas City, Kan., who belong to this congregation.
For more information you can call congregation Ohev  Sholom at 913-642-6460 or visit the website,

–    Information from William Crum