KCKPS honors employees of month for September

Two outstanding employees were honored recently by the Kansas City, Kan., Board of Education as Employees of the Month for September.

They are Majayla Garrett, para at KCK Early Childhood Center, and Megan Anthony, counselor at Quindaro Elementary.

Excerpts from their nominations:

Majayla Garrett, para at KCK Early Childhood Center

“Majayla Garrett, a 2004 graduate of J. C. Harmon, has worked for the Kansas City, Kansas School District for the last six years. She spent her first five years working in the kitchen at Silver City. Last year after deciding she wanted to spend more time with kids she transferred to KCK Early Childhood Center. She is truly a ray of sunshine at our school. Majayla is always smiling, singing, laughing and dancing with the kids. She loves them all like they are her own children. Majayla is always going above and beyond while she is at work. She is a natural teacher and motivator. In her short time at our school, she has made a huge impact. Our school is a better place because of her.”

Submitted by Andrea Murray, teacher, and Abby Ohmes, teacher

Megan Anthony, counselor at Quindaro Elementary

“Megan Anthony is not only our school counselor, she wears many hats. Megan juggles many situations without the bat of an eye. Megan is always willing to lend an open ear and words of advice to anyone who comes her way, no matter what the age or issue. Megan works with our students with an open mind and an even bigger heart. She helps find ways to provide students with clothes, water, food, transportation, school supplies and even beds. She strives for the best for all Quindaro students. Megan Anthony is courageous in her work, confidential at all times, professional and has a spark of fun in everything she does. She is a true example of what every teacher, administrator and paraprofessional should strive to be. She is simply a selfless soul.”

Submitted by Nicole Heier, 5th grade teacher, and Kyle Joyce, 3rd grade teacher

– Story and photo from KCKPS