KCKPS employees receiving fitness trackers

Dr. Cynthia Lane, superintendent of the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools, spoke Dec. 13 during a distribution of fitness trackers to employees at Wyandotte High School. (Photo from Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools)

All Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools employees are receiving Garmin vivofit 3 activity trackers this month.

At a special event Wednesday, Dec. 13, the first group of district employees, the Wyandotte High School staff, received the activity trackers.

The fitness trackers are being donated to employees by BenefitsDirect, the Clay Blair Family Foundation, CBIZ and Guardian. The gift was made possible by Garmin, which worked with the Clay Blair Family Foundation and the district’s health care partners to make the special purchase possible.

Dr. Cynthia Lane, superintendent of Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools, thanked the partners and corporate friends for the gift to all employees during the first distribution of the activity tracker devices to Wyandotte High School staff on Wednesday, Dec. 13, in the Social Hall of the high school at 2501 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City, Kansas.

The event at Wyandotte High School also included remarks by:
• Mary Stewart, principal of Wyandotte High School
• Clay and Janet Blair of the Clay Blair Family Foundation
• Jeff Stoppel, vice president at BenefitsDirect
• Dave Krull, consultant at CBIZ Employee Services Organization
• Dustin Nye, key account manager at Guardian Life Insurance Company of America
• Haley Prophet, senior well-being specialist at Garmin

The activity trackers will be distributed to all other school district staff throughout the weeks of Dec. 11 and Dec. 18.

– Information from Melissa Bedford Fears, director of communications and marketing, Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools