KCKCC students to make their directorial debut in one-act festival

The cast of “Taking America Back,” Includes, front, left to right, Shane Gillaspie and Alayah Womack. Second Row: Treemayne Brown, Rose Vang, Sebastian Davila, Ana Andrade, Charles Humphrey and Anissa Maple. (KCKCC photo)
The cast of “Taking America Back,” Includes, front, left to right, Shane Gillaspie and Alayah Womack. Second Row: Treemayne Brown, Rose Vang, Sebastian Davila, Ana Andrade, Charles Humphrey and Anissa Maple. (KCKCC photo)

by Kelly Rogge

Students will be taking the stage this week as the Kansas City Kansas Community College Drama Club presents the 2016 Original Student One-Act Play Festival.

The festival is at 7:30 p.m. April 14, 15 and 16 and at 2:30 p.m. April 17 in the KCKCC Performing Arts Center, 7250 State Ave. Admission is $7 for adults and $5 for students and senior citizens. All KCKCC faculty, staff and students are free with valid identification. The one-act festival contains mature subject matter. Viewer discretion is advised.

The one act plays to premiere at the festival include:
• “The Boxer,” by Anthony Raby and directed by Sharell Hall. The play focuses on a young boxer reflecting upon his own childhood and finding the source of his inspiration.
• “Limerence,” by Rose Vang and directed by Shane Gillaspie. In the middle of a love triangle, a young woman cannot make up her mind, which might prove to be dangerous.
• “Taking America Back,” by Afia Owusu and directed by Niyigiraimbabazi Zacharia. If the world is going to hell, three extreme political groups feel it is time they took matters into their own hands as well as the state of Texas.”

“In terms of subject matter, they are all of over the place; quite a diverse group this year,” said Charles Leader, coordinator of the theater program at KCKCC. “It is always fun for me to see the dynamics of how this all comes together. It is a wonderful opportunity for our students to work with their peers in a creative environment.”

A KCKCC alum will also be on campus this week to talk with students as they prepare for the festival. Nathan Jackson, playwright in residence at the Kansas City Repertory Theatre, began as a director on the college’s first playbill back in 1999.

For more information or to purchase tickets, call 913-288-7106.

Kelly Rogge is the public information supervisor at Kansas City Kansas Community College.

The cast of “Limerence” includes, left to right: Charles Humphrey, Anita Souvanh and Kinsasha Dydell. (KCKCC photo)
The cast of “Limerence” includes, left to right: Charles Humphrey, Anita Souvanh and Kinsasha Dydell. (KCKCC photo)