KCKCC athletes attain all-time high 3.23 GPA

by Alan Hoskins, KCKCC

Student-athletes reached a new high academically at Kansas City Kansas Community College during the 2016 fall semester.

Athletes in the eight sports offered at KCKCC combined for a grade point average of 3.23, the highest overall GPA since academic records have been recorded.

Women’s volleyball (3.44) and men’s baseball (3.37) were the leaders followed by men’s basketball (3.24), women’s soccer (3.20), men’s soccer (3.16), softball (3.13), women’s basketball (3.07) and golf (2.88).

“This is the sixth consecutive semester that our student-athletes have had a grade point average of 3.0 or better,” KCKCC athletic director Tony Tompkins said. “I am extremely proud of our student- athletes and their commitment to academic success. Our student-athletes prove that they can have success athletically and in the classroom.

“Our department and coaching staffs are committed to being successful in the classroom and in competition. Our coaches do an amazing job. But it also extends to a campus-wide effort to serve our student-athletes. We are fortunate to have academic support from the KCKCC Faculty and Academic Advisers and our staff in the Learning Resource Center.”