KCKCC-Leavenworth to offer course on world terrorism this spring

by Kelly Rogge

Kansas City Kansas Community College –Leavenworth Center is offering a new course in World Terrorism this semester.

CRJS 0207 World Terrorism will be offered from 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays at KCKCC-Leavenworth Center.

The cost is $279 plus a textbook. The class can be taken for three hours of credit or can be audited for no credit. Qualified high school students can take this class under Senate Bill 155, which will cover the cost. Textbooks are the responsibility of the student.

In addition to CRJS 207 World Terrorism, CRJS 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice (Monday) and CRJS 204 Criminal Procedure (Thursday) are also being offered during the spring semester at KCKCC-Leavenworth Center. Enrollment Day at KCKCC-Leavenworth Center is from 2 to 6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 8.

The instructor of CRJS 0207 World Terrorism, Ernest Evans, has published two books as well as 25 articles on the topic of terrorism. In addition, he has done extensive field research in areas of the world where there has been terrorism, including Northern Ireland, the Middle East and Central America. In the course of this field research he has personally interviewed an estimated 200 terrorists.

Although it has been 13 years since the Sept. 11 attacks, the threat posed by terrorists to the United States has not gone away, according to a statement with the class announcement. The U.S. is currently engaged in a major campaign to defeat the radical Islamic group ISIS that operates in Iraq and Syria. Troops still remain in Afghanistan to fight against any resurgence of Al Qaeda and there are U.S. soldiers and other officials throughout the world whose primary responsibility is to protect the U.S. for terrorist attacks. The goal of CRJS 0207 is to present threat conditions and how the risk of terrorist attacks can be reduced, according to a spokesman. Preparedness measures are provided to assist agencies in the development and implementation of appropriate agency-specific preparedness measures, according to the class announcement.

Topics that will be covered include weapons of mass destruction; post Sept. 11 threat; nuclear, biological, chemical, explosive terrorism; agricultural threats; cyber security; deterring terrorism; methods and modes of attack; terrorism and the media and U.S. counter-terrorism options, among others.

For more information or to enroll, contact the KCKCC-Leavenworth Center at 913-651-2111.

Kelly Rogge is the public information supervisor at KCKCC.