KCKCC honors students organizing collecting effort for homeless

by Kelly Rogge

The Honors Tutorial III Service Learning class and Phi Theta Kappa chapter at Kansas City Kansas Community College are working this summer to make Keep Cool Care summer care packages for the homeless.

“A group of students in the spring had researched and put together a presentation on protecting yourself during inclement weather,” said Renee Gregory, an adjunct faculty member for the Honors Education program. “When we discussed our summer project, they decided it was a natural fit to what that had done in the spring.”

Each care package will include a refillable water bottle, keep cool bandanna and sunscreen as well as other things. There are two ways to get involved:

• Collection drive. The two groups are holding a sunscreen drive. Bottles of 4 oz., new-in-package sunscreen can be dropped off in the honors office, Flint Building Room 3600 on the KCKCC campus until July 7.

• Bake sale. There will be a bake sale from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, June 23, in the Deli area of Lower Jewell. Students have already signed up to bring Jell-O pie, a variety of cookies and cupcakes and other baked goodies.

The goal is to collect items for at least 100 Keep Cool Care packages that will then be distributed to the homeless in Kansas City, Kan.

“I just want for them to embrace how awesome it feels to give back. It would be really cool if this sparked a passion for service, which is what this class and Phi Theta Kappa are all about,” Gregory said. “This is the community that supports us, so I feel we need to give back. We want to show everyone how proud we are to be a part of the Kansas City, Kan., community.”

For more information about the Honor Tutorial III Service Learning Class, Phi Theta Kappa or the Keep Cool Care packages, contact Gregory at 913-288-7190 or by email at [email protected].