KCKCC announces another acting president

Jacqueline Vietti

Kansas City Kansas Community College announced an interim president Wednesday, about five days after having announced another one.

Wednesday, the college announced in a news release that Jacqueline Vietti has been appointed acting president of the college, effective immediately.

On July 14, the college Board of Trustees placed president Doris Givens on administrative leave, with pay, pending a review by an external party, according to the news release. On that day, Edward Kremer, the dean of mathematics and science, was named interim president. Wednesday’s news release stated that Kremer will remain as KCKCC interim vice president of academic affairs.

“The KCKCC Board of Trustees remains committed to maintaining a positive and supportive educational environment for its students, faculty and community,” the college’s news release stated. “The Board appreciates the community’s understanding and support for the College, which remains the most progressive, forward-looking, forward thinking, forward moving, entrepreneurial and diverse community college in the entire state of Kansas and beyond.”

Vietti was chosen with the unanimous support of all board members, according to the news release. She has 17 years of experience as president of Butler Community College in El Dorado, Kansas, and served as interim president of Emporia State University for six months. Her doctorate degree is from Kansas State University.

According to an earlier statement from the board chairman, the board discussions were held in closed session, and the board could not comment because of confidentiality concerning personnel actions. Kansas law allows the college to close a meeting to discuss personnel.

On Wednesday night, J.D. Rios, board chairman, said that in making its decision on Wednesday, the board was seeking someone for the acting president position who had a lot of experience as a community college president.