KCK student works on Emporia State play

Courtney Romero of Kansas City, Kan., is hard at work on the Emporia State University production of “The Birds: A Modern Adaptation” by Don Zolidis.

A revamping of Aristophanes’ classic comedy, “The Birds” follows the story of Eulpides and Pithetaerus who are fed up with the petty problems of the modern world and flee to the kingdom of the birds in search of a simpler life. Along with the help of the philandering King of the Birds, Epops, his embittered wife Procne and a whole chorus of wild birds, the two scheme up a financial jackpot that could turn the birds’ land into a powerful utopia. Their only obstacle: the wrath of the gods. This hilarious satire is a look at politics, religion and the foolishness of mankind that brings new life to the Greek comedy.

Romero, a junior theatre major, is the costume crew head.

“The Birds” is the first collaborative project between ESU Theatre and ESU’s newly reinstated chapter of Alpha Psi Omega, an honorary theatre society, giving students the opportunity to take on more of the production responsibilities. Nancy J Pontius is designing the lights. Susan J Mai serves as costume designer and Amanda Dura is the costume shop manager. Chris Lohkamp is both sound designer and technical director.

“The Birds” runs April 13-16 at 7:30 pm. All performances will be in the Karl C. Bruder Theatre located in King Hall. Tickets can be purchased at the Memorial Union Ticket Office or by calling 620-341-6378.