KCK student participates in documentary about first-generation college students

An area student recently participated in a documentary about first-generation college students from across Kansas.

Kristofer Bailey, junior in secondary education-social studies, Kansas City, Kan., and a graduate of Sumner Academy of Arts and Science was part of a documentary by the Kansas State University College of Education.

The premiere of the documentary will be at 2:30 p.m. Nov. 4 at the K-State Union.

The documentary has caught the attention of the White House, according to a K-State news release.

First lady Michelle Obama commented on the trailer for “A Walk in My Shoes: First Generation College Students” in her initial post as a guest curator for Upworthy.com. The documentary addresses the struggles and triumphs many first-generation college students face — an issue Obama is confronting through her Reach Higher initiative that encourages students to pursue higher education. Her blog post discusses some of her initial challenges as a first-generation college student. To view the documentary’s trailer, go to http://bit.ly/1sZ2ak2, and to read the blog post, go to http://bit.ly/1okEqQu.

For those unable to attend the campus premiere, the documentary also will be streamed live at http://coe.k-state.edu/a-walk-in-my-shoes/.