KCK student named Emporia State ambassador

Jamie Hoover of Kansas City, Kan., is one of 31 students named as an Emporia State University Ambassador for 2016.

ESU Ambassadors is a campus organization run through the Alumni Association.

The group has a history of service to the university and strives for excellence in everything from campus tours to E-Zone to Senior Week. The group promotes service, spirit, and success and with leaders from a variety of campus and community organizations.

The Ambassadors promote Emporia State University in five ways:

• Serve as Emporia State University’s official hosts.
• Promote and support the Alumni Association and ESU Foundation.
• Assist in recruiting students by giving campus tours.
• Represent ESU on campus, in the community and around the state and nation.
• Serve as the ESU president’s official representatives.

Ambassadors are named to one-year terms that follow the calendar year.

Official duties for Hoover, a freshman pre-art therapy major, begin Jan. 14 and 15 with a training retreat.