KCK school board honors students of month

The Kansas City, Kan., Board of Education recently honored four outstanding students as the district’s December Students of the Month at the Dec. 8 board meeting.

The students who were honored included Angie Hernandez-Martinez, Edison Elementary School; Thu Za Oo, Central Middle School; Kingston McClease, Morse Early Childhood Center; and Adrianne Wilson-Murphy, Schlagle High School.

The school board also recognized Robert Lemus-Salinas, a student from the November students of the month who was unable to attend the November meeting.

The nomination letters:

Kingston McClease, Pre-K
Morse Early Childhood Center
Nominated by: Mandi Mynatt, teacher
“Kingston is a warm and caring student in a combined preschool classroom. We had a new student start attending our classroom that had a lot of difficulties with the transition to school and Kingston took to the boy instantly! One of the student’s favorite things was dinosaurs, and Kingston would build them for him in blocks constantly, never complaining if the boy knocked them over, being patient as the boy learned how to have safe hands at school. He reached out and became a friend. He even wore dinosaur clothes to school and when asked why he said it was for his friend! Thank you for selecting him as one of the students for December.” Sincerely, Mandi Mynatt, general ed. teacher

Angie Hernandez-Martinez, 5th grade
T.A. Edison Elementary School
Nominated by: Cindy Cop, principal
“Angie is a 5th grade dream student that every teacher wants in their class and that every principal wants in their building! She takes learning very seriously. She is willing to help others … she is very friendly, … and dependable. She has helped in the office on many occasions by walking visitors around the building and delivering notes to classrooms. Because she is bilingual, she has helped bridge some communication gaps between teachers, students and parents! She is also trying to teach me Spanish! Recently, Angie was observed walking down the hall at dismissal time walking with some preschool students. Angie turned to one little girl and gave her a high five! When I asked if Angie knew the little girl, she said, ‘No. But I wanted her to know that she did good work at school today!’ I am proud to nominate Angie as our student of the month.” Sincerely, Cindy Cop, principal

Thu Za Oo, 8th grade
Central Middle School
Nominated by: Connie Christian, teacher
“Thu Za is a persistent and patient student. She works well with others and never gives up on herself or her peers. She is willing to ask questions … and her grades and MAP scores are evidence of this. Thu Za has made so much progress throughout middle school. Her success in academics is obviously her priority and she focuses in order to achieve that goal. Thu Za is respectful to all of her teachers and her peers. She patiently helps her peers when they need assistance without judgment and often with enthusiasm. I know that I will read about the many accomplishments of Thu Za in her future!” Sincerely, Connie Christian, teacher

Adrianne Wilson-Murphy, 11th grade
Schlagle High School
Nominated by: Rebecca Brown, family and consumer science teacher and Raneka Truelove, English language arts teacher
“As one of Adrianne’s teachers, I have had the pleasure of working with Adrianne in class and as a Link Crew Leader. As a Link Crew Leader, Adrianne has been exceptional! In addition, she is a major presence at our events for freshmen … which includes many activities. She is always a cheerful volunteer and I’m so pleased and honored I get to work with her.” Sincerely, Rebecca Brown, teacher.
“As I work with Adrianne in her English language arts class, I can say I am a very proud teacher to experience the determination and hard work she brings to our room! She is very intelligent and desires to go the extra mile to make sure her work is exceptionally done. Adrienne is very headstrong, yet sweet-hearted. I see so much potential in her; I know she will be a powerful force in this world. Go get ‘em, girl” Raneka Truelove, English language arts teacher

Robert Lemus-Salinas from New Stanley Elementary School was recognized recently as one of the November students of the month from the Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools. (Photo from Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools)
Robert Lemus-Salinas from New Stanley Elementary School was recognized recently as one of the November students of the month from the Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools. (Photo from Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools)

Robert Lemus-Salinas, 5th grade
New Stanley Elementary School
Nominated by: The integrated arts team
“Robert is an amazing student, the kind every teacher would love to have in his or her class. He is always on task, focused on learning, and helps other students. He is a great classmate who is willing to work with anyone. He is a pleasure to have in each of our classrooms. Robert takes a leadership position among his peers, winning over their respect with his fairness and friendliness. He is always willing to try a new technique, or use a new skill. I admire Robert; I hope his future is bright, and he achieves whatever he sets his mind to. He is a great classmate who is willing to work with any anyone. He is cooperative and has a good attitude. ” Sincerely, the integrated arts team; Marna Kerr, art; Jennifer Spears, physical education; Janet Postlewait, library, and Gloria Hastings, music; teachers from New Stanley

– Information and photos from Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools