KCK school board honors students of month

The Kansas City, Kan., Board of Education recently honored four students as students of the month at the Nov. 24 meeting.

The students honored were Jonathan Contreras, pre-kindergarten, KCK Early Childhood Center School; Joel Sanchez, Rosedale Middle School; Darion Stafford, Washington High School; and Robert Lemus Salinas, New Stanley Elementary School. Robert was unable to attend and will be honored at the December meeting.

The recommendations:

Jonathan Contreras Alvarez, Pre-K
KCK Early Childhood Center
Nominated by Terresa McKinney, Pre-K teacher
“Jonathan is an excellent student. He is compassionate, caring and polite to all adults and his peers. Jonathan comes to school every day with a smile and a great attitude. He is willing to help without being asked. Jonathan pushes in chairs when his friends forget to take care of their chairs. He is willing to clean up for the teachers. Even though Jonathan is learning a second language, he tries everything asked of him. Jonathan is an asset to our classroom.” Sincerely, Terresa McKinney, Pre-K teacher

Joel Sanchez, 6th grade
Rosedale Middle School
Nominated by Denise Dixon and Debra Laws, teachers
“Joel is an exceptional student at Rosedale Middle School. He is a student of excellence with straight A’s. He is dedicated to always doing his absolute best! He has excellent attendance and is always punctual and ready to work before the bell rings. He completes all assignments and homework on time and with the high quality teachers expect. He is always kind and respectful to his peers and teachers. In all areas, Joel demonstrates a positive attitude. Joel also participates in extracurricular activities, and is a manager of the Rosedale football team. Thank you for honoring him as a student of the month.” Sincerely, Denise Dixon, teacher and Debra Laws, teacher

Darion Stafford, 12th grade

Washington High School
Nominated by Lt. Col. Patrick McCormack, senior aerospace science instructor
“Cadet Col. Darion Stafford is an incredible young man, and total package superstar! Darion is the deputy wing commander for our JROTC program, the second highest ranking cadet in the program. This summer Darion was selected over cadets from four different high schools to command the regional Summer Leadership Course. Darion is more than an outstanding cadet; he is involved in many activities at our school and volunteers in our community. He has a 3.6 GPA, is the captain of the football team, among many other sports for our school. He is the vice president of the Senior Board, and he plans to attend Oklahoma State University next year.” Sincerely, Lt. Col. Patrick McCormack, senior aerospace science instructor