KCK school board honors students of month

Students of the month for November included, front row, Aimah Irfan, from Earl Watson Jr. Early Childhood Center; and back row, left to right, Daniel Garcia, from New Stanley Elementary School; Tasha Jackson, from Harmon High School; and Emmanueli Ndihokubwayo, from Argentine Middle School. (Photo from Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools)
Students of the month for November included, front row, Aimah Irfan, from Earl Watson Jr. Early Childhood Center; and back row, left to right, Daniel Garcia, from New Stanley Elementary School; Tasha Jackson, from Harmon High School; and Emmanueli Ndihokubwayo, from Argentine Middle School. (Photo from Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools)

The Kansas City, Kan., Board of Education recently honored four students at the Nov. 25 board meeting.

The students of the month included Aimah Irfan from Earl Watson Jr. Early Childhood Center, Daniel Garcia from New Stanley Elementary, Emmanueli Ndihokubwayo from Argentine Middle, and Tasha Jackson from Harmon High School. The students were recommended by Superintendent Cynthia Lane.

The nominations for the students:

Aimah Irfan, Pre-K,
Earl Watson Jr. Early Childhood Center,
Nominated by: Amanda Dendurent, Renne Fensholt and Debbie Byers, preschool teachers.
“Aimah is a very polite little girl at our school. She is kind towards her peers and teachers. Aimah always puts forth great effort in work and play, and makes good choices at school. She is a friend to everyone and always includes her peers in any activity that she may be doing. We are very proud to nominate her for student of the month!” Amanda Dendurent, teacher, Renee Fensholt, special education teacher, and Debbie Byers, para.

Daniel Garcia, 1st grade
New Stanley Elementary School
Nominated by: Allison Butler, teacher
“I chose to nominate Daniel Garcia for student of the month because he is an excellent role model and support to his peers. He is a bright, inquisitive young man who continuously sets the bar for positive behavior in my classroom. Along with aiding his peers, Daniels strives to improve himself each day by choosing activities that challenge him and by eliminating any distractions to his learning. Not only does he lead by example, but also Daniel has a kind and gentle way of guiding his peers to do the right thing and make smart choices. I could not imagine my classroom this year without Daniel’s smiling face!” Sincerely, Allison Butler, teacher

Emmanueli Ndihokubwayo, 8th grade
Argentine Middle School
Nominated by: Kristi Palmer, teacher and James Thompson, teacher
“Emmanueli deserves to be recognized because of the tremendous change he has made in his academics. He struggled with his grades last year, but has worked hard as an eighth grader to turn that around. He currently has straight A’s and has been upset that he has a 96% and wants to raise it. His input and contribution to class is unmatchable. He goes above and beyond in all of his work, wanting to do his best and find things that will make him think and ask questions. His unique perspective is always on point and makes connections between ideas from class and experiences from his life. He is well deserving of this award.” Sincerely, Kristi Palmer, teacher and James Thompson, teacher

Tasha Jackson, 12th grade
J.C. Harmon High School
Nominated by: Steve Howard, teacher and coach
“Tasha was a freshman in my advanced math class and is a proud member of the J.C. Harmon championship math relay teams, for the past three years. Tasha is often sought out by her peers to help them in class. She is an honor roll student, is a member of student council, pep club and an athlete competing in Cross Country and Track. It’s the time outside of school that she puts into her academics that is also extremely impressive. She is part of Saturday Science, Math & Technology Academy 2009-2014, Medical Camp, just to name a few. She is a highly focused, goal oriented young lady that will truly be successful in her future. It is my privilege to write this letter recommending Tasha for student of the month.” Sincerely, Steve Howard, teacher
– Story from KCK Public Schools