KCK police shooting range on river flooded

The Kansas City, Kansas, police shooting range on the Missouri River is now covered with water, and police are waiting to see when it will reopen again, according to a police department spokesman.

According to a news release from the police department, operations at the range have been postponed until the flood water recedes.

The road to the range became impassable on Sunday, March 17, according to the news release.

Officers were transported to the range with help from the Unified Government to begin preparing for the rising water. Weapons and ammunition were stored in a secure vault on high ground. Other valuable equipment was moved to higher ground and the facility was secured, according to the news release.

The range is used mostly for firearms training and qualification. Training dates and qualification schedules have been postponed until the range goes back into operation, according to the news release.

The extent of the flood damage will be unknown until the flood water recedes, the news release stated.